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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sometimes you feel like a nut...

Almost to the mid-point of the icky 2WW.

Today I am 5 DPO. On Monday, I put my third consecutive high temperature into Fertility Friend, and got my cross-hairs to display-separating my follicular phase (the phase where the follicles prepare to release an egg) and my luteal phase (the phase after ovulation has occurred).

Here is an example
Implantation usually occurs about a week after ovulation. Sometimes, your temperature will take a dip during implantation. This morning my temperature shot up to 97.9, the last couple of days it has been at 97.6. I'm curious to see what it will do the next few days.

I was extremely hopeful last month. I cannot help but be extremely hopeful this month. Our "talking" time was impeccable. These "conversations" can actually also be inputted into FF, and we scored high, no pun intended.

Some of my friends have concerns that I might become, or already am, too consumed with worry and stress about TTC. Honestly, it has its ups and downs. Yes, becoming pregnant would make me indescribably happy, but not being pregnant yet is not something that is breaking me or making me crazy. Faith is what keeps me from not going crazy. I am still active in trying however-and this is why I take and record my temperatures. I think there is a difference between being active in TTC and being obsessed.

Nothing is more frustrating than when I am told, "just relax...and let it happen...." If you have the knowledge and the tools to allow you to actively pursue the MIRACLE OF LIFE, (miracle: an extraordinary event. You have hours in a day out of a month that this happens, and only a 20% chance even if you get everything right.) then why the heck not utilize them?

Well, I just had a little rant the last couple of paragraphs, didn't I?

Haha...I have been kind of (my sister will tell you "really") emotional the last few days. Extra hormonal? On Sunday, I hardly made it through our church service. I literally was crying my eyes out and breathing in a way that came out pathetically choppy. Why? ...because they had changed all of the familiar church songs that I love. It makes me sad, but normally I wouldn't be so noticeably distressed.

Weird question: Many people often smell asparagus while in the loo shortly after eating it and even the next day..I am one of those. Today, while I was straightening my hair, I smelled asparagus! Has this ever happened to anyone?? I was in the guest bathroom, too...not the one I use to actually go to the bathroom in.  IDK....
Matt seeing me like this would never in a zillion years happen...I just thought this was cute. :)

Maybe just a little crazy, -Natalie

1 comment:

  1. Yesssss!!! About the asparagus thing. I know this sounds weird, but I was actually talking about that to Matt the other day. My Matt lol!

    As for the "just relax thing," I'm more than willing to smack those people around. With my mind. :)
