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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stick it to me

I'm getting my progesterone levels tested next Monday!!

What the heck does this mean? Well, don't worry. I put on some good research music and got to researching for us!

It's not a good or bad thing. ...but I am excited. Like my good friend Anna said on my facebook page, it's pro-active!

In a nutshell, progesterone testing gives information on how I ovulate. My blood is drawn, and hopefully in a timely manner, my dr. will call to give me the results. They are checking my levels of progesterone to see if I'm ovulating, when I ovulated, basically verifying that I am ovulating normally.

Kind of similar to the way my temperature rises after I have O'd, my levels of progesterone should raise as the egg is released (O) and then continue to rise for several days, falling down if I start my cycle over, or continuing to rise if I am pregnant!

Here is an interesting little tidbit: My progesterone levels would be higher if I am pregnant with multiples. Eek!

I have a very small increased chance that I might have twins from Clomid. Small.

My husband would tell you he would rather get it all done at once. Me? If it happens, it happens and I will feel so very blessed and happy to be pregnant with either one or two babies.

...and might I add this. I despise needles getting any where near me. Truly fear it.

Yep. This is how I always imagine it.
...but I'm getting my flipping progesterone levels tested!!! I'm getting closer to having to apologize for my lack of posting because I have a baby on my arm, I have a baby keeping me up all night, I have a baby that just wants me to adore him/her all day long, etc.!!

"Oh! So sorry! I've been too busy to write.
My biggest dream came true
and I am the happiest girl in the universe...."

This is going to be me soon! I can just feel it!

Big smile, -Natalie

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