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Friday, August 19, 2011

Clo-moody? I don't think so!

So Clomid is not so bad, in my experience at least.

I cried all the way to Rockport Tuesday after work. I had dreaded that day of starting the process of moving Betsy, my sweet little sister, almost 6 hours away.

Tuesday night I took the first pill. I was so nervous. That night I had some pretty weird dreams. I woke up with some really bad cramps that kind of lingered on through the day. I also felt sensations in my ovaries.  My mother and I drove Betsy to Waco...after stopping a few times, the trip took us about 7 hours. It was time with my mom and Betsy though, so I didn't mind.

I took the next pill in our hotel. No weird dreams that night, and no cramps the next morning either. We shopped till we dropped getting her dorm cozy and well stocked. It was over 100 degrees outside. My emotions were in check and I felt pretty good. I found myself getting very nervous about saying goodbye to her. As we were making our last stop in Target, I realized that I would need to be leaving soon. The lump in my throat was painful.

I was in tears when I dropped Betsy off to join her roommates in welcome festivities. I tried to remember everything I wanted to tell her: don't let your roommate drive you around-if you don't feel after the first time of being in her car that she's a good driver, never get into a car with an un-designated driver, always make sure you are aware of your surroundings, etc. I'm not sure what I managed to get out...and the fact that she had tears too only made it more difficult for me to talk and remember what to say.

As soon as I found myself alone in my car, I finally gave in to my tears, sobs really. I called Matt and cried freely. I do not think the Clomid had an affect on my emotions, especially since I had cried all the way to Rockport before I had started it. In all honesty, I think it has actually made me feel kind of good. I have not had any hot flashes, headaches, blurred vision, or anything like that. I'm so thankful and I feel really happy and excited. Having my body respond badly to the drug was something I was nervous about. 

So now I have two pills left. One tonight, and one Saturday night.  Next week I will begin testing with my ovulation predictor kit (opk) on cd 11.  I have been tracking my basal body temperature (bbt) on Hopefully I will get the timing perfect.  I know this all sounds a bit clinical and sciency, but after almost a year of waiting...this is where I find myself. It's not too bad. Matt has kind of gotten into it, too....well, a little bit, in his own way. Hopefully I get a positive ovulation result and then it's on to the two week wait (tww). :)

I'll end this post with one of my favorite videos of Betsy.

Proud big sister, -Natalie


  1. So much going on this week! I knew it was all happening but reading about it makes me feel like I haven't seen you in FORever! And at least now Betsy can read the things you probably forgot to say :)

  2. That brought back memories of you and I our first week of college...well the first 6 months. I hope you trusted me driving! ha ha! I love you and I am so anxious to experience this clomid process with you!

  3. It has been forever Anna! Haha, even though it's only been since Monday! Thanks for the audio book recommendation, it really helped to clear my head. :)
    Nicole- I was SO on memory lane the last few days!! We were so fortunate to have each other!! You were and are a perfect driver, I always feel safe! I'm anxious and excited and hopeful and....haha a mixture of emotions, but good ones! Love you too and hope you are getting to NC safe!!

  4. I was on fertilityfriend for awhile too, it's such a helpful site! Im so glad the clomid is treating you well. Letting your baby sister go is a tough time for anyone. You deserve a good cry :) in some ways maybe you are letting one baby practice using her wings while you make room for more :) hoping for you guys each and every day. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  5. Thank YOU Christina, that's sweet!
