Last August I decided to make a few changes to start preparing my body to be as good of a "baby home" as I could.
One of the most difficult changes I made was getting off Adderall. Oh, how I miss it...but since it contributes to low birth rate and my dr. was very insistent that I stop taking it, it was something I had to do.
I began taking folic acid and b12 that I had bought at Sam's Club. Then I found the chewable pre-natals. They were alright, but didn't have enough of what was recommended. My chiropractor now has me on some really great whole food supplements. They are made by a company called Standard Process and are sold exclusively through health care professionals. I love them. You do not have to take them with a meal..all of the ingredients are organically grown, untreated, and free of genetically modified organisms (gmo).
Here is what I'm taking:
Catalyn: 2 supplements taken twice daily: It has given me a noticeable increase in energy, maintains cellular health, keeps your skin and heart healthy, and supports healthy metabolism.
*****UPDATE: I have stopped taking Catalyn upon seeing that it has dried pea juice; peas are a food to avoid when ttc.*****
FemCo: 1 supplement taken three times daily: This is my favorite. Not only does it help a lot with pms symptoms, it also encourages healthy menstrual cycling, and eases the effects of everyday tension and stress. I have felt happier and more at peace since I started taking it. I highly recommend FemCo.
Folic Acid B12: 2 supplements taken twice daily: Reduces the risk of birth defects and supports healthy nervous system development. It also has helped with my energy.
I am really lacking in exercising enough. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day and my weekends usually are filled with out-of-town trips or simply catching up on r&r and laundry or having friends or family over. These are my reasons. However, Matt works out allll the time...and unfortunately for my justified reasons, we have exactly the same schedule. I really need to make it more of a priority.
We eat pretty well. I accompany lunch and dinner with a salad most of the time. The more folate the better. Matt makes most of our lunches at home with deli meats that don't have the preservatives that the packaged meat does. We are trying to steer clear of fast food. Aside from french fries, it really isn't that hard. I've managed to gross myself out of eating hamburgers and eggs from fast food places. I've noticed that Schlotzsky's cooks do not use gloves, at least where I live. Gross. ..and on the way to Waco, we stopped at a What-A-Burger where clear as day, we could see the cooks preparing food, glove-less! The sight of the guy with one hand in his pocket, the other grabbing a bare-handful of lettuce will never leave me. *Note: I'll have to research to see if this is legal, shouldn't there me some health code against it??* When I do get fast food, my number one choice is Chik-Fil-A. Everything just seems better there.
Alcohol and caffeine were not difficult to cut back on. I have about 1 cup of coffee and 1 Diet Coke a day. I love wine after I get off of work, but it is not irresistible. It can't be. Soon enough it will join its self with Adderall on the curb.
Check out the links to the Standard Process supplements. They will direct you to more information if you are interested.
More and more ready, -Natalie
Got myself the b12 thanks for suggesting !