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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bun in the oven?

Seven days a week I have an alarm set to wake me up at 7:15 AM. 

Before I even sit up, I take my temperature, orally mind you. (Until a few days ago, Matt thought I was taking my BBT somewhere way jose!) Usually I go back to sleep for a little longer-if it's a work day-or a lot longer-if it's the weekend. Then, when I am actually ready to get out of bed, I turn my thermometer back on and quickly read what my temperature was when I took it...I have to be really ready to read it because the memory feature only displays the last temperature it took for like 2 seconds. Fortunately, there is a handy Fertility Friend app on my iphone and so I am able to plug my BBT in while I am still sitting in bed.

Since last week I had been waiting to see a few more high temperatures to confirm O. I made Matt jump when I suddenly gasped, "I GOT MY CROSS-HAIRS!!" this past Sunday.

As you see, once your temperatures confirm ovulation, you get cross-hairs on your chart where it occurred-separating your follicle phase and your luteal phase vertically and your lower and higher temperatures horizontally. Not only did I get my O confirmed, but it was also confirmed that it did in fact happen on my birthday! I was thrilled!

Currently, I am on CD 31 and I am 7 DPO. Check out my chart!

So now I'm right in the middle of my 2WW...and a lot of hopeful praying!

Matt and I have been super busy getting prepared for the Austin City Limits Music Festival (ACL). We look forward to going to it just as soon as we leave the last day of ACL every year! This will be my seventh time going and I'm really excited to see Coldplay, Arcade Fire, Ray LaMontagne, among other really great bands this year.

ACL 2010

ACL 2008
Just after Arcade Fire plays their last bravo, we are going to high-tail it back home where only a few hours later at 7:00 AM we will be catching one of three flights to HAWAII for a wonderful 7 days. I am so looking forward to it! A couple of years ago we were able to go to Oahu-Waikiki, Honolulu-and it was sooo beautiful! This year we will be going to the Big Island. Matt has all sorts of things planned for us, he's really great at that. That I know of, we will be horse-back riding, night-time manta ray diving, going to a luau, and I'm going to sneak in a spa day as well! Lately we couldn't be more in love and happy with each other...this trip is going to be amazing!

Hawaii 2009

You may have already guessed that the end of my 2WW will be right in the middle of our trip. I do plan on taking a test while we are there...and if I give in to the temptation, maybe a few before. Whether this cycle is a success or not, it will not make or break our trip. This cycle has been such a blessing...I have learned so much about myself and the whole process has really brought Matt and me much closer to each other and in our desire to have a baby.

I have been day dreaming of the possibilities non-stop. I have a few really exciting plans for our family and friends, and for the readers of my blog! You will just have to will be worth the wait. ;)

I haven't decided if I will blog or not while I am in Hawaii. I'm sure Matt will want to surf, so maybe I'll steal some time then. 

Until next time: Sweet baby if you exist and are working your way up to the 9 month growing spot, please know that I already love you so much and that I pray for your existance and health every night and a few times everyday.  There are many of us that are so anxious for your arrival, finally Anna H. is even on board! I trust I will know of you at the perfect time and I am so ready for that time to come.

More so, -Natalie

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