Welcome..and thank you for your interest in my blog!
I realize that, 1-I have zero followers right now, and hopefully, 2-you may have read my many (setting the bar high) posts until you landed here! If number 2 is the case, thank you again for reading!
I wanted to start this blog, because I have so many thoughts and words floating around my head, that I thought I might burst if I didn't get them out! Fortunately, I have started this just in time, as you can guess I have not burst.
Two years, one week, and two days ago, I married Matt, the love of my life. We began our love story in an amusing kind of way, but we'll save that story for another post. ;) We've travelled and have made some pretty amazing memories in our two years so far; we honeymooned in the small Caribbean island of Granada, had our six month anniversary in Hawaii (while there for a wedding, sort of), enjoyed South Beach and the Gaylord in Florida this summer, and have had countless fun road trips to music festivals and weekend trips to be with our friends. We live a blessed life and I am sooo thankful for it!
My husband and I live on North Padre Island in a beautiful house on a canal. I love our home, and it is a wonderful place to have fun with our friends and family. I love to entertain! It is one of my favorite things to do!! Usually at these gatherings you will find me with a glass of wine in hand, hardly sipped, and tending to my homemade hummus and olive tapenade, making sure everyone has a drink, making sure the music is perfect, etc. This may seem a little tedious to some, but I genuinely LOVE it. A bit of a perfectionist in that department.
I am the Finance Manager at my husband's family dealership. I love it and I am proud of the work I do here. My husband is very good at nearly everything he does, so being confident that I do well at work means a lot to me. You will see that there is a lot that I am not so good at and I'm sure stories of those encounters will snake (ugh, I hate snakes, but the word seemed so fitting in the way I visualize the encounters into my stories. Oh, well.) their way into my posts.
I'm starting to see that this post is getting a bit longer than I had intended, but before I bid it adieu, here is what is most important in my life: My relationship with God, my husband, family, and friends, having a baby, and keeping balance in my life. Soon, I would like to have posts addressing them individually.
Until then...
Your new blog friend, Natalie
Yay! You stared a blog!
ReplyDeletehaha, I know! Yay!!!